Arzeena’s Priorities


Arzeena’s three priorities for Courtenay-Comox

I am dedicated to making life better for you and your family through three key pillars:


Life in Canada is getting more expensive, and the Comox Valley is no exception. Inflation rates are just one of the factors that have affected the costs of basic necessities such as groceries, utilities, and transportation. In the past decade, housing prices have skyrocketed, interest rates have increased, and rents have climbed significantly. 

When a household budget can’t cover basic needs, worry and suffering follow. Everyone deserves to live without that kind of hardship. That’s why affordability is at the top of my priority list. Here are three ways I aim to take action on this critical issue.

  • Stable housing

    Everyone in the Comox Valley should have an affordable place to live. Canada has recognized adequate housing as a fundamental human right. Stable housing is obviously better for individuals, but it’s also better for society in general: studies have shown that stable housing leads to better outcomes in education, employment, and mental health. In particular, the Comox Valley needs non-market housing, rental housing, and co-op housing.

  • Affordable food pricing: Arzeena Green Party

    Affordable food pricing

    According to Statistics Canada, food retail prices rose by 11.4% in 2023. Food bank use is continuing to rise, and in 2023 statistics showed that one third of food bank users in BC are children. We need to support families who are struggling to feed their kids; children under 18 face the highest food insecurity in the community.

    As a farmer and a parent, I am deeply passionate about making healthy food affordable and accessible to all. Creative local solutions are one piece of the puzzle. For example, one partial solution would be to expand the current system of nutrition coupons for farmers markets, which would enable more people to access healthy, local food.

  • Province-wide school food program

    Province-wide school food program

    The BC Greens called for a single, province-wide universal school food program back in the fall of 2023, and continue to advocate for a system where provincial funds could allow schools to provide students with healthy breakfasts, snacks, and/or lunches.

    While the federal government announced a new National School Food Program in April 2024, it’s important for BC to ensure that all kids are covered. A universal school food program would ease one financial burden on parents and improve public health by ensuring every child has at least one healthy meal per school day. Canada is the only G7 country without a national school food program.